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50th Anniversary



Building Dedication



Mr. Baxter and Mrs. Hamilton



Mr. George Baxter - 25 Years of Dedicated Service

Initially serving in the capacity of classroom teacher of Math, Technical Drawing and Science in 1986, Mr. Baxter advanced to the position of Head of Department in both Math and Science. He moved through the ranks and was promoted to Dean of Students, then Vice- Principal and in 2001 took on the role as Principal, making a difference in the lives of students at Kingsway Academy.


Ms. Kelcine Hamilton – 38 Years of Dedicated Service

Ms. Hamilton began her tenure as a third grade teacher in 1971, and moved to grade 7 in 1979 when the High School was established. There she taught English Literature, History and Social Studies. In 1980 she was promoted to Vice-Principal and subsequently Principal in 1995. She continued her upward mobility and transferred to serve in the capacity of Academy Affairs Manager until retirement. 

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