“This purpose driven school (Kingsway Academy) has empowered all students with the necessary tools to become ambassadors for Christ. None of us is an accident and each of us has a unique purpose in this life. As I embark on another journey, I will cling to the morals developed and lessons learned during my time in the halls of Kingsway Academy.”
Kingsway Academy is a non-denominational Christian school that aims to “train students in the King’s way”. Since it’s inception in 1959, the founders and subsequent administrators have operated on the premise that God and His Biblical principles are the driving force of the institution. Therefore, as we journey on this path, we are destined for greatness and His glory.
The school has grown from four students in a one-room building on Dowdeswell Street to its current 10-acre property on Bernard Road, which houses more than one thousand students. The growth and development of the school has been accomplished largely through gifts and the sacrifice of time and talent from numerous individuals and groups.
In recent times, the school completed the Grace (Tathum) Kemp Early Development Center which houses eight classrooms with adjourning restroom facilities; and a new cafeteria between the elementary and high school buildings. This past summer ushered in the creation of a shaded social area for athletes and sports enthusiasts wanting to watch the games. Additional picnic-style tables and benches were added to the high school fields and the eating/waiting area was topped with a new green canvas. A double-wide trailer was purchased for the Guidance Center to provide students adequate space to explore their college and career options, and to offer a meeting area for the guidance classes.
As our enrollment continues its upward climb and we seek to meet the growing demands of our constituents, there are several projects that require immediate attention and we invite you to partner with us and make a difference in the life of our school community. Your contribution can be made in a variety of ways . . .
CASH CONTRIBUTIONS: Cash contributions are much appreciated and will assist with the daily operations of the school.
CASH CONTRIBUTIONS FOR SPECIFIC NEEDS: Cash contributions may also be made for area of particular interest, such as:
Tuition Assistance – Many families desire to send their children to Kingsway Academy, but simply cannot afford the full tuition payment. Your gift to the Tuition Assistance Program will help even more children experience our nurturing environment.
Scholarships – Giving to the Kingsway Scholarship Program will provide full or partial scholarships to students with specific skills, needs or both.
Other Gifts – Kingsway Academy may receive gifts for indicated purposes, such as signage, computers, software, sporting or outdoor equipment, classroom furniture, library books or maintenance supplies.
MAJOR FACILITIES PROJECTS: The school is looking to complete three major projects in the upcoming years, including:
Three classrooms at high school with covered area for eating and social gatherings
Eight classrooms at elementary with restroom facilities
A new library/media center at elementary school
A new computer lab at elementary school
Giving to Kingsway Academy will ensure the ongoing ministry of this institution for years to come. Please prayerfully consider the best type of giving for you. Your wise investment will not only count for future generations, but will also pay dividends for eternity.
For a confidential discussion regarding your support, contact .
“He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25