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Classes offered to Junior High students include: Christian Education, English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Social Studies, General Science, Health Science, Family and Consumer Sciences (Food & Nutrition, Needlework), Spanish, IT (Computer Studies), Art & Craft, Music, Physical Education  Technical Drawing and Woodwork.


The BJC (Bahamas Junior Certificate) and the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) are two external Exams that students sit during their junior years.


Senior High students are offered classes in: Christian Education, English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, Spanish, Geography, World History, Family & Consumer Sciences, Art, Music, Bookkeeping & Accounts, Economics, Commerce, Graphical Communications, Carpentry & Joinery and Physical Education.

External exams taken are the BGCSE (Bahamas General Certificate for Secondary Education) exam, the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Examinations - Computer Technology) and the SAT's (Scholastic Aptitude Test). Students who successfully complete the BGCSE courses in grade eleven (11) are eligible to enroll in AP (Advanced Placement) classes in grade twelve (12).


Students who excel in their studies are rewarded with subject certificates and trophies, and considering  the G.P.A. (Grade Point Average) they achieve during the school year, will be placed on either  the Regular Honour Roll, High Honor Roll or Highest Honour Roll.

AP Scholars

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